Anyone who considers making money as a part-time, work-from-home distributor has to first satisfy themselves that the product is worth distributing. But I think once you look at the quality of products Orenda has to offer, that will be the easy part.
So let's do the math first, prove that this is a good business opportunity, then we'll circle back in another article to talk about quality of products.
First, let me say no one is forced to become a distributor. You can buy single products for your own use. You can buy a certain set of products. You could even "start small" and still become a distributor later. I'm just saying there is a financial opportunity here that goes beyond just improving your own health, and it makes sense to do this if you can, even if you're not really interested in turning it into a business. There's no pressure - just an array of choices.
The primary unit of sale Orenda uses is a 4-pack of products called the Ultimate Pack. It includes an HGH-stimulating amino acid spray (O-Tropin), an Immune Formula that detoxifies the body and stimulates the immune system, a high-quality digestive aid with probiotics and enzymes, and a multivitamin. It's designed to get your body working the way it's supposed to, so your body takes care of itself. It retails for $250, but almost anyone can get discounts to reduce the price. It's definitely worth the price to improve your health, even at retail.
But there's a special deal called the Manager Pack, which contains 9 of these Ultimate Packs. You can get it for $1400 through an existing distributor, which is a 38% markdown. This is the absolute best way to become a distributor, and I'm going to show you why.
So, if you can pull together $1400, you can buy a Manager Pack with 9 ultimate packs in it. That's a $600 savings off retail (30% off), plus they throw in an extra $250 pack for free. Therefore, it's really an $850 savings.
Plus, you've just locked in a 40% lifetime discount on any further purchases. Plus, Orenda offers a 90% money-back guarantee for a full year - I'll explain more later about how that means there's virtually no risk that you could lose money.
Each Ultimate Pack retails for $250, so that's $250 x 9 = $2250. So you could
theoretically retail the whole pack and make an $850 profit. Or you could pass along a 20% discount to encourage your customers (they will also get a 20% discount on any further purchases they make), and you would still make $45 profit on each pack (you paid $155 each for 9, and you're selling at $200 instead of $250, so $45 profit for the distributor).
Even selling at discount, that's a $405 profit for you after you made back your investment of the $1400. That's nearly a 30% profit, and you'll be able to keep making profit as you go forward, month after month, because you'll always have that 40% discount on your purchases.
That's a business! That's a second income stream! That can be the answer for a lot of your financial problems.
Plus, you can get your own monthly supply of Orenda for $150, and you'll start
looking and feeling healthier than most of your friends. Any friends who start buying from you will soon start getting healthier. Plus, if they're interested, they have the same opportunity to start a second income stream as you had.
Can you see how Orenda quickly becomes a way for you to help yourself and a lot
of other people, both physically and financially?
Many people, though, are skeptical. They doubt themselves. They doubt their ability to "market" a product. Maybe you're in this category.
Here's where there's virtually no risk.
You pay $1400 for 9 packs. For 12 months, you can always return the full set of unopened packs for $1260 back (90% refund on unopened product for 1 year after purchase). So you'll lose only $140 even if you're a complete and utter failure (which you won't be).
But if you sold just one pack at full retail, that's $250, and you could still
return the remainder for $1120, for a total of $1370, so you would lose only
$30. Sell two, and you've made an $80 profit!
Even if, to encourage people along, you sold the packs for $200 instead of $250,
you could sell 2 packs for $400 total, and could still return the 7 unsold packs
for $980... Meaning you lose only $20. Sell just three, and you've made a $40 profit from selling just 1/3 of the pack. You could bail out if you realy wanted to, or you could keep going and keep making profit, because it's just a matter of reaching the right people over time.
Sell just 5 packs at $200 for a total of $1000, return the other 4 at $140 each for a total of $560, and you've made a $160 profit over your initial investment. That's not bad money for just talking to your friends and coworkers. You just offer them something that might help them, without any pressure, and if they're not interested, just move on to the next person. If you keep at it, you WILL make a profit, whether you "have the skills" or not!
Compare that small risk against your potential profit, and it really only makes
sense to take a small chance on the $1400 manager pack if you have the money, or
could find it.
If you've come to this blog through a Google search, or by invitation of Ed Hanks, please do me the courtesy of signing up through my sales website at You can watch product videos there, to see more about the company and this unique natural health program.
Actually, please contact me by e-mail first, at - that way I can talk through any issues, explain why Orenda is the best set of natural health products out there, and can make sure you get signed up correctly and make the choices that make the most sense for your health and financial situation. If you have medical concerns, my wife is an integrative nurse practitioner, and we can talk through those issues with her.
If you have been invited to view this blog by another distributor, other than Ed Hanks, then please do them the courtesy of using their personalized sales website, which I'm sure they provided to you. Otherwise, the right people don't get credit for the work they've done, and that's what this business is built upon - the personal efforts of part-time distributors who cared enough about you to tell you about Orenda. This is a partnership. We will help each other through everything so you can be successful.
Thanks for taking the time to consider this opportunity! If you're willing to make just a small leap, let us take you by the hand and guide you through it. The potential is there to turn your life around, in more ways than just your personal health!
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